About Us

About Shreeman Vidyalaya
  • Shreeman Vidyalaya International Montessori School

    “Education is the foundation on which the future is built, and preschool is the foundation on which the learning attitude is build.”

    Preschool is much more than just art, dance, music and entertainment. It is mainly focused on how to develop and evolve young minds. The objective of preschool is to follow a comprehensive learning style which is not just applicable at a young age but will also hold good as the child grows up and tries to adapt to new surroundings. 

    Our key strength in creating a bright future for the child lies in our philosophy, the curriculum we follow our talented teachers and the innovative learning style that we use . These are the four pillars on which Shreeman Vidyalaya stands.

  • Our Talented Teachers

    "Friendly environment with well trained teachers"

    Our professionalism is at its peak whilst selecting staff. We are unbiased when it comes to selecting teachers to teach the children. Having realized that teachers play a key role in implementing all that we want in a right manner, we invest in high quality staff that can make a difference in a child’s life.

  • Our Learning Material

    “Our eco-friendly learning materials are made of natural and sustainable materials - perfect for Children”

    Our learning tools involve comprehensive use of audio and visual equipment and learning methods. Children learn faster by observing and listening. The 5 key points we aim to establish are –

    • Invoking curiosity.
    • Fostering problem solving skills.
    • Imparting a positive attitude towards learning.
    • Teaching through play.
    • Enhancing social development.